Our services include:
Certificate of Compliance
If you are a trying to sell your home you are required to have a certificate of compliance.
We assist people when selling their houses and properties by supplying this certificate. We do testing and repairs to existing installations and once all has been done and fixed, in compliance with SABS and GEIA requirements, the certificate is issued.
We also conduct safety audit on all electrical installations.
- Installations.
We assist with the installation of:
- Industrial and Domestic installation, alterations, upgrades and extensions.
We ensure that the installation is correctly installed to the maximum benefit of the customer.
All work is guaranteed at the highest safety standard.
Surge Protection, Clear Line Plugs and UPS (Computer plugs)
We install your computers on a clear line system so that the entire office will be plugged in and won't trip with the main switch.
We also install UPS to avoid interruption due to power cuts or power tripping.
- Power Saving Audits i.e. installation of energy saving system to save you money.
Resolve Faults: We have qualified technicians that will assist you with the best quality skill to resolve your fault.
Values and Philosophy
We at Ranteck Electrical firmly believe in Honesty with our clients, Integrity in delivery and Pride in the work we do.